Wednesday 10 September 2014

Features/Characteristics of C language

C Programming is widely used in Computer Technology, We can say that C is
inspiration for development of other languages. We can use C for different purposes.
Below are some of the Features of C Programming –
Features of C
Low Level Language Support Program Portability
Powerful and Feature Rich Bit Manipulation
High Level Features Modular Programming
Efficient Use of Pointers

1 . Low Level Features :

  •  C Programming provides low level features that are generally provided by the Lower level languages. C is Closely Related to Lower level Language such as “Assembly Language“.
  •  It is easier to write assembly language codes in C programming.

2 . Portability :

  •  C Programs are portable i.e they can be run on any Compiler with Little or no
  • Modification
  •  Compiler and Preprocessor make it Possible for C Program to run it on
  • Different PC

3 . Powerful

  •  Provides Wide verity of ‘Data Types‘
  •  Provides Wide verity of ‘Functions’
  •  Provides useful Control & Loop Control Statements

4 . Bit Manipulation

  •  C Programs can be manipulated using bits. We can perform different operations
  • at bit level. We can manage memry representation at bit level. [Eg. We can use Structure to manage Memory at Bit Level]
  • It provides wide verity of bit manipulation Operators. We have bitwise
  • operators to manage Data at bit level.

5 . High Level Features :

  • It is more User friendly as compare to Previous languages. Previous languages such as BCPL,Pascal and other programming languages never provide such great features to manage data.
  •  Previous languages have there pros and cons but C Programming collected all useful features of previous languages thus C become more effective language.

6 . Modular Programming

  •  Modular programming is a software design technique that increases the extent to which software is composed of separate parts, called modules
  •  C Program Consist of Different Modules that are integrated together to form complete program

7 . Efficient Use of Pointers

  •  Pointers has direct access to memory.
  •  C Supports efficient use of pointer 

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